FLEX FILMS EUROPA Sp. z o.o. The Perfect Solution for converters


Hereby, as a member of the board of Flex Films Europa Limited, part of the Uflex Limited, India, I am glad to record the efforts of Mr Rafał Tratwal, key participant of our project and member of the Pentagram Architects design team, managed by chief architect, Mr Paweł Kobylański.

Flex Films Europa was founded in November 2010 with the objective of establishing new production plants for the European markets. From the very beginning, our investment plans were supported by Pentagram Architects. Despite the complex requirements of our production process, the design team took the challenge of reaching the assumed time schedule by performing all necessary jobs and enabling a quick initiation of the construction process.

The service provided by Pentagram Architects design team in cooperation with experts included primarily the evaluation of a plot, containing the estimation of the ground conditions and the zoning plan conditions. Further steps covered proceeding with the environmental issues as well as bringing the requirements of our technological process together with local regulations and complex fire-safety requirements’ analyses. The whole work including architectural adaptation (based on our standard arrangement) and coordination of the multi-branch design was completed with successful application for the building permission.

Currently, the first phase of the investment has been accomplished i.e. around 18.000 sqm of the main building area with social and office part as well as associated buildings.

Based on the above mentioned achievements, hereby I recommend Pentagram Architects designing office and Mr Rafał Tratwal as a reliable designer and valuable expert, capable of supporting international investments on the local market.

Stanisław Wszelaki

Member of the Board of Directors

Address 62-300 Wrzesnia, ul. Gen.Wladyslawa Sikorskiego 48 Poland
NIP 779-23-87-276 KRS 0000376525
Website www.flexfilm.com stan.wszelaki@flexfilm.com
Tel. +48 504 028 423